I am so sorry I have not been able to post to my blog.
I have been very sick with side effects and they had to stop chemo
I have severe neuropathy in my hands and feet so bad I have not been able to type. I have had pneumonia and/or bronchitis for over 2 months.
And been to the ER several times.
I have made a few updates thru FB over the last couple weeks tapping out a few things with a large kindergarten chubby pencil.
But was not able to blog , the pain is so bad.
I will try to do better.
I should have taught my Mom how to update it for me.
I just got to sick , and in pain....
They did finally put me on meds to hopefully help with the pain of the neuropathy on Wed.
I found out this past Tues that I still have cancer in both sides of my chest where they did they mastectomies when I went to the consult for the RADS.
I had been led to believe it was just in the side that was invasive.
He didnt want to have to do RADS on both sides if I still need surgery.
He wanted me to have more surgery first...Then RADS.
The next day I had to see my oncologist for the first time since they stopped chemo.
He told me that my surgeon..or no other surgeon would do surgery on me because my lungs are now in such bad shape from the COPD and chemo that I would die on the table...or never come off a vent.
I felt like someone had thrown cold water in my face.
Please keep me in your prayers that the chemo killed the cancer...and that if there was any left after chemo that the radiation will kill it.
Trusting in God...and Knowing that he knows whats best for me.
I know I can be healed by him, even without surgery.
My son Jason came and took me out to eat last week....
As you can see by the pic's I am looking better then a couple weeks before :)
Looking pretty bad here....
I look a bit better after 2 weeks ...
Annual Casini Crab Feed
3 days ago